Classic Old Tractors

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This Farmer's Favorite HobbyFarm Tractors

A classic old tractor. You know, the old red ones? Every hobby farmer needs one. And truth be told, these old red workhorses can almost become like an inanimate friend, a farm-running teammate, a lifter of loads, a mover of piles, and so much more. Given proper maintenance and care, in the heat of summer and cold of winter, that old tractor is faithfully there for you.  And it would be quite challenging to operate a smoothly running hobby farm without it!

Often appearing a dull looking rusty red, worn by work and time, these aging farm necessities endear themselves to farmers all over the world, proving to be a very useful part of daily life.  While many still wear their battle scars, others have been beautifully restored.  As Jamie from Ireland so eloquently put it, "There's a quiet satisfaction in taking something old, assessing the damage, and then working on it to bring back its original beauty..."

A Classic Old Tractor - Massey Ferguson

Here at our HobbyFarm, the Farmer has a couple of classic red tractors that he especially appreciates. His favorite is the Massey Ferguson 135. To him, it's a classic little beauty that's dependable, versatile, and not difficult to work on.

*This is a photo of one of the older farm tractors that the Farmer here rebuilt and sold to Cannamore Orchards in Crysler, Ontario a few years ago.

This Farmer isn't the only one who thinks that the older Massey Fergusons are amazing little tractor. Others have said that Massey Ferguson models 135 and 165 are the world's most popular second-hand tractors. Available in both diesel and gas, they are used and appreciated around the world because of their dependability and simple, uncomplicated design, making them easy to repair with common shop tools. 

There are several great things about the Massey Ferguson tractors that we've dug a bit deeper into on our Massey Ferguson Tractors page. In these classic old tractors, equipped with the built-in 3 point Ferguson hitching system and a power take off, we have a great combination of functionality, dependability, and affordability.  Besides the 135, the Massey Ferguson 35, the 65, 150 and the 165 are great little tractors as well. 

Every tractor owner needs to keep his tractor maintained and running well! If you're the fix-it guy at your hobby farm, or want to be, a shop manual is always important to have on hand. We'd highly recommend having your own copy of this great Massey Ferguson Shop Manual Models for MF135 MF150 & MF165. Click the pic and purchase your own tractor manual for your shop today and save repairman costs!

If you're working on your Massey Ferguson 135 or other models, this handy service manual will show you all you need to know. It will tell you how to take a tractor apart, how to repair it, and how to put it back together again. It covers the Gas Models: MF135 Special, MF135 Deluxe, MF150, MF165 Diesel Models: MF135 Deluxe, MF150, MF165.  This clear and concise workshop type manual is a useful addition to the hobby farm's resource library.

This repair manual deals with repairs in the language of a mechanic. The format is user-friendly. You'll find valuable information as to specifications, torques, etc., illustrated by photos and close-up views. If you are involved in any repairs or restoration, you will find this shop service manual extremely helpful, offering many short cuts that will save you time, money, and headaches.

If you're interested in more details on Massey Ferguson farm tractors, The Tractor Data website is a helpful resource. There you'll find an informative list of all the Massey Ferguson farm tractors, by model, the horse power of the tractor, and the years that they were built. 

The International - Another Classic Old Tractor

Another make of older farm tractors that the Farmer at our hobby farm would recommend is the older International Harvester tractors, especially the British series, models B-250, B-275, B-276, B-414, the 434, 354, 384 and the 444.

IH logoIH Logo .GIF Source:Imagesia

While some of these models were built in England and sold both in the UK and in Canada, some were also made in the United States as well. 

Also, there are a few different names connected with the International farm tractor. Briefly, the Deering Harvester Company was founded in 1874 by William Deering. In 1902, Deering Harvester Company and McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, along with three smaller agricultural equipment firms merged to create the International Harvester Company. This company produced a few early models of their tractors. Then, with the launching of the Farmall, in 1924, a revolution in tractor design sprang to life. The Farmall name was usually presented as McCormick-Deering Farmall, and later McCormick Farmall in the evolving brand architecture of International Harvester, or "IH".

The Farmall introduced the tricycle style row-crop tractor which was great for plowing as well as having the capability of precision work such as cultivating. Then in 1985 the International Harvester's agricultural operations were merged with the J. I. Case Company. Equipment is still manufactured under the Case IH name with factory locations around the world.

For more information, have a look at our International Tractors page. Also, if interested, the Tractor Data website provides a full list of all the International Farm tractors' models, horse power, and the dates they were made. 

Are you Captivated by These Classics?

Years ago, when the Farmer's children were young, as we'd drive down the country roads, if there was an old tractor in sight, it would turn the Farmer's head. The children would tease their Daddy saying that "the tractor pulled his nose" - as if, like a puppet, an invisible string would turn his head toward it. Years have passed and the allure for these old classics still captivates him. Now, not only having some of his own, he frequently selling parts and has also rebuilt them to sell.

Maybe you find them turning your head as well. Perhaps you go to the old tractor shows or hang out with people who own them, dreaming of the day when one of these classic old tractors will be your own.

If you enjoy older farm tractors, whether you have or haven't had the opportunity to have one of your own, perhaps you'd enjoy perusing this interesting site: Les Tracteurs Rouge (The Red Tractors). It has a lot of information, historic manuals, interesting diagrams, and great conversation that you may find interesting or helpful. Because it's in French, you may need to use your 'Google Translate' option, but it's worth it. 

These sturdy little farm tractors are perfect for the gentleman farmer, hobby farmer, or anyone who finds themselves immersed in country life.  If any of these old tractors are your favorite, we'd like to hear about it! Share with us what you appreciate about them and experiences that you've had.

Working with Your Farm Budget

There are many makes and models of tractors out there that can be used on the hobby farm. But newer tractors can be way out of the financial reach of a lot of country folks. And to be honest, it doesn't take a brand new tractor to get the job done! It's for this reason - and because he really likes these classic old tractors - that the Farmer has turned his appreciation for these old tractors into a small business. HobbyFarm Tractors provides used tractor parts, especially for the two makes of old tractors that we've focused on above. He provides his clients with new, aftermarket parts as well. And once in a while the Farmer rebuilds one of these classic tractors and makes it available for sale. We'll let you know if that happens! 

Keep it Going and it Will Keep You Going!

We love our vintage tractors but every once in a while, an older Massey Ferguson or International malfunctions in such a way that it can leave us scratching your heads. These great older farm tractors are dependable workhorses but they're not beyond the possibility of testing our mechanical skills at least once in their lifetime. 

Or perhaps you've just gotten your first vintage tractor and would like to learn more about how to fix, operate or maintain it. 

We invite you to have a look at our Vintage Tractors FAQ where we have a growing collection of tractor questions and answers. And if you have a question, please contact us and we'll include it if it would be of benefit to others! 

If you're a fix-it guy, stop by our site again! We're looking forward to adding new pages to our website for Massey Ferguson Parts, International Tractor Parts and Aftermarket Tractor Parts and more! 

And last but not least, we thought you might enjoy this little video shared by Olly’s Farm on YouTube! 

These old tractors may sputter now and then and maybe cough a bit of smoke, but given the proper care and maintenance, these classic red workhorses will give you many years of faithful service.

Perhaps you've seen our Facebook page, HobbyFarm Tractors - Parts & More, with the picture above as its banner. Feel free to stop by and give our page a 'thumbs up' if you like.

Feel free to contact us for the information or tractor parts. We have used tractor parts in stock and are a dealer for new parts as well. 


1 Photo by Michael Spiller, Commons.Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 2.0 

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  2. Classic Old Tractors

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