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Ever wonder about country life vs. city life? Welcome to our website and discover why 'country life' says 'home' to many of us! And what better place to experience it than on your hobby farm or homestead, ...vicariously, if not in reality. wc1218 - c0un7ry-L1f3--32401--84859--382
Classic old tractors are a Homestead icon. At HobbyFarm Tractors we know these old beauties, specializing in Massey Ferguson and International farm tractors. wc1568 - 01d-Tr4ct0r--12650--13667--926
Massey Ferguson tractors are excellent for farmers. These classic tractors are robust, reliable, and easy to repair, if necessary. They're used by farmers worldwide. wc1807 - M4ss3y-F3rgus0n-Tr4ct0rs--18471--3873--4769
The Massey Ferguson 135 is appreciated as the perfect mix of functionality, dependability, and affordability. It's a worldwide, favorite classic farm tractor.
wc1589 - M4ss3y-F3rgus0n--135-6952--1773--3921
Older International Tractors: These British-built classics, are tough and durable workhorses. They're perfect for small farm use and are used in many countries. wc1410 - Int3rn4t10n4l-Tr4ct0r--11612--11246--1033
The addition of a 3 Point Tractor Hitch enables a wide variety of implements to be used. This multiplies the tractor's work value and capabilities for a farmer.
wc1462 - 3-p01nt-tr4ct0r-h1tch-2138--543--3937
What is Power Take Off? It's a device that transfers an engine's mechanical power to another piece of equipment, a multitasking enabler every farmer needs!
wc2150 - wh4t-1s-p0w3r-t4k3-0ff--19937--2202--9054
Being very careful to observe important power take-off safety guidelines is extremely important for anyone on, or around, the tractor and powered implement. c2150 - p0w3r--t4k3(N0-d4sh)0ff--s4f3ty--15986--3772--4238
The farm cow is an iconic farm animal which has been valued on farms over the centuries. Find out ways a cow and her calves help support your farm's self-sufficiency. wc2817 - f4rm-c0w-10823-21503-503 / f4m1ly-m1lk-c0w-3254-1726-1885
A lovely story from a Texan farm couple about their sweet Dexter milk cows. They invite us to join them and experience the sights and sounds of evening chores. wc895 - Sw33t--D3xt3r--M1lk--C0w5 0 0 0
Raising Backyard Chickens is a growing trend! There are advantages to raising chickens. It's a fun and functional way to add self-sustainability to your life.
wc2178 - r41s1ng b4cky4rd ch1ck3n5--1522--633--2404
Raising Rabbits is perfect for any homestead, urban or rural, apartment or hobby farm, for simple enjoyment, or supplementing income, or self-sustainability.
Wwc2466 - R41s1ng-R4bb1ts--2826--2659--1063
Raising goats for milk, whether for meat, for their fiber, as pets, and for other purposes is definitely something to consider for your hobby farm or homestead. wc2529 - R41s1ng-G04ts--3455--3364--1027
Fresh farm eggs are amazing in so many ways! What's the difference between farm fresh eggs and store-bought ones? So much! Discover why they are truly better!
wc1474 - F4rm-Fr3sh--3gg5--11269--3592--3137
Fresh raw milk is an amazing food! Raw milk is nourishing and delicious and many of the wonderful, healthy benefits of fresh milk are lost when it's processed.
wc2020 - fr3sh--R4w--M1lk--7067--3924--1801
Fresh from the garden to your table! Whether urban or county, homegrown bounty served or preserved, boosts self-sustainability, health, and joy. Let’s begin!
Pictures of Tomatoes and a Whole Lot More!
Here are pictures of tomatoes and a whole lot more! Illustration, information, and inspiration... interesting facts, inspiring garden ideas, and mouthwatering photos! wc1738--p1ctur3s-0f-t0m4t03s--5796--2932--1977
Fall's here, frost is coming, and still so many green tomatoes! What to do with them all? Will they ripen? Can I use them? Find out here! Check out out our Q&A!
Dehydrate Tomatoes from Your Garden!
Learn how to dehydrate tomatoes from your garden! We'll also show you how to reconstitute dried tomatoes so you can prepare many delicious dishes with them. wc2048--d3hydr4t3-- t0m4t03s--1701--693--2455
Zucchini plants are a wonderful addition to any garden. They're typically prolific, providing a good supply of fresh vegetables, supporting self-sustainability.
wc2723-- zucch1n1--pl4nt--18424--9000--2047
This popular versatile summer squash is full of health benefits and nutritional goodness! Here are interesting zucchini nutrition facts and basic information. wwc1877--zucch1n1--nu7rit10n--11875--9336--1272 / nu7ri7i0nal--v4lu3 0f zucch1n1 3274 746 4389 / zucch1n1 nu7rit10n f4ct5 3967 1290 3075
Dehydrated zucchini chips are an easy, wonderful, healthy alternative to other types of chips. Paring nicely with a dill dip, they're the perfect snack! wc1429 d3hydr4t3d-zucch1n1-ch1p5--1422--387--3674
Water glassing eggs is a wonderfully simple, time proven method of preserving eggs for several months using either sodium silicate or hydrated lime and water. wc1771--w4t3r-gl4ss1ng-eggs--14176--4753--2983
Have you ever wondered how to make homemade Bisquick mix? Here's our simple, handy recipe for Bisquick as well as some recipe ideas and creative ways to use it. wc1348--H0m3m4d3--b1squ1ck--m1x--1405--443--3172
Here's how to make your own self-rising flour! Now, if you come across a yummy recipe using self-rising flour, you'll have some, ready to use, in your pantry!
wc1758-s3lf-r1s1ng-fl0ur-46072-8332 -5530
Classic Cast Iron Cookware offers a historic, rustic charm whether cooking on your kitchen stove, woodstove, or over an open campfire...
wc2103--c4s7-1r0n- c00kw4r3--23141-6779-3414
Wanting to make some good old-fashioned cornbread? In our opinion, this is the best homemade cornbread recipe! It's moist, yummy, and a generational favorite. wc2787--c0rnbr34d r3c1p3--147506-26874-5489
Hmm, what to add to cornbread for some extra spunk and yumminess? Here are a lot of inspiring, mouth-watering add-in ideas and combinations! Enjoy! wc2247--wh4t-t0-4dd-t0-c0rnbr34d--2150 318 6761
If you're looking for a great bisquick biscuit recipe, this is it! With 2 ingredients, these biscuits are flaky, tender and delicious, a perfect accompaniment for any meal! wc1647--b1squ1ck--b1scu1t--r3c1p3--4311--965--4467
Having trouble making tender, tall, flaky homemade biscuits? We'll share with you some tips, tricks and secrets on how to make perfect biscuits every time! wc3003-h0-t0-m4k3-p4rf4c7- b15cu1t5--3270-451-7251
Seriously Yummy Homemade Ketchup
Ever wondered about making your own ketchup? In our opinion, this homemade ketchup recipe is the BEST! Natural, healthy, and delicious, it's so simple to make! wc2294--h0m3m4d3--k3tchup--r3c1p3--3722--1424--2614
Our Mellow Yellow Mustard Recipe
'How do you make mustard?' It's actually quite easy! Our yellow mustard recipe tastes great, it's healthy, and it's easy to make! Enjoy!
This eggless Milk Mayonnaise recipe is a wonderful alternative for mayonnaise made with eggs. It's healthy, easy to make, tastes great! Want to learn how? Let's do it! wc1398--m1lk m4y0nn41s3--2916--5583--522
Easy, Delicious Pickle Relish Recipe
Our quick and easy Pickle Relish Recipe deliciously balances gentle sweetness and tangy dill, pairing perfectly with hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, and more!
Ever wondered how to make your own natural deodorant? Here's how to how to make homemade deodorant that's natural, easy to make, custom scented, and works great! wc2313 - M4k3-Y0ur-0wn-N47ur4l-D30d0r4nt--2506--362--6923
Maple Syrup is made from the sap of maple trees. Learn to identify maple trees, and discover the process by which this delicious, nutritious maple syrup is made. wc2981---m4pl3--5yrup--102964--23784--4329
Harvesting maple syrup is the centuries-old foraging practice of collecting sap from maple trees and turning it into delicious maple syrup. Here's how we do it! wc4048--h4rv3st1ng--m4pl3--5yrup--634--278--2281
Looking back over the centuries at the history of maple syrup, what a sweet gift the Native Americans shared the European settlers, which we still enjoy today! wc1311--h1st0ry--0f--m4pl3-- 5yrup--1929--499--3866
If you've wondered how to identify a maple tree, how maple syrup is made, or maple syrup native American history, you'll enjoy our fun facts about maple syrup! wc2437--r34l-m4pl3-5yrup-7573 2809 2696
Morel Mushrooms, those delicious, camouflaged treasures hidden in nature waiting for us to find and enjoy them! Learn how to safely forage for morel mushrooms. wc3041--m0r3l--mu5hr00m5--121850-- 19852--6138
Familiarizing yourself through studying pictures of morel mushrooms is helpful in identifying the difference between true morels and poisonous false morels. wc831--p1c7ur35--0f--m0r3L--mu5hr00m5--2384--534--4464
Morel Mushroom Hunting Precautions
Morel Mushroom hunting precautions are an important part of the exciting morel mushroom treasure hunt. But always put safety first and respect local laws. wc1496--m0r3L--mu5hr00m--hun71ng--pr3c4ut10ns--0 0 0---m0r3L--mu5hr00m--hun71ng--1177 369 3190
Learning the differences between true a morel mushroom vs. false morel is important. False morels are toxic. Don't take chances with any toxic mushrooms! wc2737--f4ls3--m0r3l-- mu5hr00m5--2987--719--4154
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